Cracking the Code this IWD - Amplitel's Innovators, Leaders & Changemakers

Leading up to International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8, 2023, we ran an internal series of IWD interviews with influential Amplitel women – our trailblazers, game changers, explorers, innovators, and changemakers.

Here are some highlights:

How are you seeing (or how would you like to see) Amplitel using transformation and technology to break the barriers to gender inequality?

For me the biggest thing is flexibility, and the technology behind this that allows me to work effectively from anywhere. As a mum with two young children, 2 dogs, so sometimes I will be working while I sit outside a basketball court or while the kids are in a swimming lesson. It has been a phenomenal switch for me in terms of the flexibility that is now the norm in corporate culture post Covid, which I think is long overdue!

  - Lorene Hunt, Chief Financial Officer


What was your childhood career dream?

A Marine Biologist. I was so fixated on this as my career that I convinced my parents to take me to Heron Island as a 12 y/o so I could watch the Turtle breeding program.

  - Sandra Sherry, Senior Financial Analyst


How would you like people to ask you for advice, how should they approach you?

I'm more than happy for anyone to reach out, however they feel comfortable - give me a call, drop me a line or I love a coffee 😊

What was your childhood career dream?

I wanted to be a chef. I loved baking cakes at home with my mum. 

  - Jane Pollard, Head of Property


What makes you feel the most like yourself?

I am a people person both at work and in my personal life. I enjoy spending time with people, I love finding out what makes people tick and what drives them. A pot of tea and good conversation is a winning formula. 

 - Tanya Spark, Senior Solutions Sales Specialist


What is your favourite time of day? 

Early mornings are both my most favourite and least favourite time of day. I really enjoy the effects of getting up early, it’s wonderful to accomplish so much so early and feel the crisp early morning air. However, I have another personality that is constantly fighting to have a sleep in.

  - Sally Aitken, GM of Strategy & Commercial


Who’s the most innovative or creative person you know and why? 

My mother designs gardens - I’ve seen problems solved in a functional yet beautiful way.

  - Emma Harrison, General Counsel & Company Secretary


What are three things you can’t live without?

My fur babies, gym, and YouTube.

  - Stella Tung, Senior Property Specialist


What are you most excited about these days?

Hard to tell, I get equally excited by interesting conversations with extraordinary people or watching my plants bloom. Watching a great band or theatre show is something that always excites me. It is not just the artistic act but that invisible sense of togetherness and harmony we get to experience next to people we don’t know.

  - Andreea Luca, Structural Engineering Lead